Castellino is heading to Tokyo
From today, you will finally have the opportunity to discover our artisan specialties prepared in Italy by Castellino, at FOODEX 2024, the trade fair dedicated to the world’s best food and beverage producers, from March 5th to 8th, 2024, at Tokyo Big Sight. Come visit us at our booth E1-A24 in the Italian Pavilion, Booth number 83.
本日より、FOODEX 2024にて、イタリアのカステリーノによって調製された職人の特別な製品をご紹介いたします。FOODEX 2024は、世界最高の食品および飲料メーカーが集う見本市で、2024年3月5日から8日まで、東京ビッグサイトで開催されます。イタリアパビリオン、ブース番号83、E1-A24にぜひお立ち寄りください。
A new taste awaits you. It’s Castellino Taste.
Are you a wholesaler, a retailer, or an individual? Schedule an appointment at the fair with our sales representative.
新しい味わいがあなたを待っています、CASTELLINO の味わい。
卸売業者、小売業者、または個人ですか? 弊社の営業担当者との面談をフェアで予約してください。
Our products
The stuffed olives and exquisite preserves by Castellino bring Italy to tables all around the world. Thanks to the success of its numerous products, the Marche-based brand confirms its leadership in the Italian and international retail sector.
Originating from the heart of the Marche region, but finding a home worldwide, they grace the tables of those who appreciate the refined and typically Mediterranean taste of olives, whether plain or stuffed, as well as pestos, bruschetta creams, grilled vegetables, dried products, and the newest multi-product packages, practical and designed for an Italian-style appetizer already ready to be served, or gourmet gastronomic specialties for starters and side dishes.
Precious moments
«Our most important goal,– explains Castellino CEO Francesco Lombardo – is to spread the culture of good eating and living, the history of authentic flavors destined for those essential moments of the day to counteract the stress of a hectic life as this society imposes: the aperitif and the appetizer».
For us Italians, and increasingly for the world, the aperitif is a moment where we give ourselves time, to the people we love, it’s a place to feel cheerful and carefree, a valve through which we vent.
For such a precious moment, we need to savor the soft, flavorful, and creamy richness of refined and skilled appetizers, like Castellino products, declined into ingredients for many gourmet first and second course recipes.
Our recipes belong to the most prosperous Italian gastronomic cultures, but they travel incredibly around the world, capturing the most authentic and sincere aspects, elaborating those lines that we have renamed as glocal, able to combine the goodness and healthiness of our tradition with the exotic that fascinates us most.
The medium to long shelf life of all our products is an element that even more strongly embraces our philosophy on environmental sustainability, but also on the equally important social sustainability, concerning the valorization of our origins.
With our products, you will think long-term and adopt a more ethical and responsible approach to food consumption.
私たちのすべての製品の中程度から長期の保存期間は、環境の持続可能性に関する私たちの哲学をさらに強く抱擁する要素であり、また、同様に重要な社会的持続可能性、すなわち私たちの起源の尊重に関してもそうです。 私たちの製品とともに、長期的な視点で考え、より倫理的で責任ある食品消費のアプローチを採用することになるでしょう。
The practical packaging, from glass to recycled and recyclable plastic, perfectly suits contemporary lifestyles, the speed with which we prepare and consume our meals.
Finding something on the table that reminds us of our most exquisite culinary authenticity makes the moments spent together even more magical. The Mediterranean diet is certainly our strong point. We know how important it is, even in terms of development and sustenance, to follow it: it means living healthily, preferring nutritional refinement to mass-market food, vegetarianism to all-consuming consumption.
実用的な包装、ガラスから再生可能でリサイクル可能なプラスチックまで、現代のライフスタイルや食事の準備と消費のスピードに完璧に合っています。 最高の料理の正統性を思い出させるテーブルの上の何かを見つけることは、一緒に過ごす時間をさらに魔法のようにします。地中海の食事法は確かに私たちの強みです。それを守ることは、開発と維持の観点からも重要であることを知っています。それは健康的に生きることを意味し、大量生産の食品よりも栄養価の高い食品を好み、無差別な消費よりもベジタリアン主義を好むことを意味します。
At Castellino, we have recognized from the outset the added value of our mission: 80% of our entire workforce are women. This means that it is a business reality strongly focused on rights and merit.
Castellino at Foodex 2024
Foodex 2024 provides us with a unique opportunity to showcase our products to a global audience and to connect with food enthusiasts from all corners of the world.
We are excited to share the flavors of Italy with attendees and to introduce them to the authentic taste of Castellino. During the event, visitors will have the chance to sample our diverse range of products, including stuffed olives, premium preserves, pestos, and more.
Our booth will be located at Tokyo Big Sight on our stand E1-A24 Italian Pavilion Booth nr.83, where our team will be on hand to provide information and answer any questions.
We invite you to join us at Foodex 2024 and to experience the best of Italian food with Castellino.
Follow us on social media for live updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the event.
We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!
Best regards,
Castellino Team
Foodex 2024は、世界中の観客に製品を紹介し、世界各地のフード愛好家とつながるユニークな機会を提供してくれます。
私たちのブースは東京ビッグサイトにあり、イタリア館ブース nr.83 の E1-A24 に位置しています。そこでは、私たちのチームが情報を提供し、質問に答える準備ができています。
Foodex 2024にぜひご参加いただき、キャステリーノとともにイタリア料理の最高の味を体験してください。
キャステリーノ チーム

Schedule a meeting at Foodex
Contact us to schedule a meeting at Foodex 2024 with our sales representatives.
Foodex 2024での商談をご予約いただくために、当社の営業担当者までお問い合わせください。